Tuesday, October 11, 2005

i don't have time today for one of my regular awesome posts, but my blog is getting stale so I thought I would post something.
Here is a poster I found on the internet. It shows the body as a machine. This has particular signifigance for us biomedical engineers. It is kinda fun to think about.
Those clever Germans.
click on it and you can super-size (you may have to zoom afterward, firefox has this capablity, not sure about IE).
You can see the analog mechanisms for all the different what-have-you in the body! I mean, this is just fun to look at, it isn't real Einstein.
It is also fun to see what they call all the body parts in German, and try to translate it yourself. "Zee Poopzski ! " is not on there. I looked.
Also, yell every German word like a deranged German. It is much more authentic that way.
all germans yell when they talk. you didn't know that?
on a different note, we just recently got new furniture. This will be a new era of me sitting. I am very excited about it, you see, as our old furtiture might as well have been a bed of nails compared to this plush, velvety stuff. I have my own chair. it is leather and and it smells nice. You don't get to sit in it.
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It's too bad they cut the poster of at the waste because they left out the best parts. Where's the hatchery that produces the cute little baby sperm, or the cannon and crew that fire them at the enemy? Where's the fudge factory that serves all kinda fudge sometimes with nuts?
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