Wednesday, November 02, 2005
my anger towards hats and the hatted men who wear them

I saw someone wearing one of those fedora-style hats the other day. From what my dad says, and what I can glean from movies, those kinds of hats were very popular back in the 40s. Most men wore them if they were dressed up. And although those hats are pretty slick, I think young to middle aged males (anyone younger than 50) has no business wearing them.
I have a real problem with this.
I do make sure to try them on when I go to department stores though. but i would never buy them. I know better than try to single-handedly bring back a style that has been out of date for 6 decades. Still, people do this. Very rarely (maybe once a year) I see some fella struting around in 21st centry clothing, but wearing a crisp felt fedora on his head. What happened? Did his head go back in a time machine? why not wear a Fez? That makes just as much sense as a fedora on your head young man. I think these people are clearly making a statment, but what is the statement they are making? Are they making some kind of tribute to previous generation? Or did they just really like the way Harrison Ford looked in Indiana Jones? That reminds me of something I would do as a little impressionable kid. I would try to impersonate movie stars b/c they had cool outfits or whatnot in the movies, but Christ! you are grown men!
Have you ever watched Myth-Busters? While that is a decent show, the fact that one of the guys wears a beret and the other wears a fedora sickens me. that is an odd-hat anomalie. To find two dorks on one program wearing strange hats is rare indeed. That would be funny if they hired a guy that wears a coybow hat and another guy that wears a terbin. or if those original two switched hats from scene to scene with no explanation.
I wonder if that was part of the screening process for the show. "one final question, can you wear a silly hat?"
"why yes!"
and then the interviewer opens a closet door and it is full of silly hats and the guy shrieks in glee.
the end
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i think fedora's are hot. there's this guy who goes to karenoke on wed nights and he sings like an old what's that guys name...frank sinatra? anyway, he dresses like they did back in those days with the slim suits and fedoras and all the guys are always like "that dude's gay". but the girls LOVE him (me included...i'd totally date him). so i guess these guys maybe think to themselves 'do i want to impress the guys? or do i want to impress the girls...'
u should go buy one and wear it home one day...see what mel says about it. ;o)
u should go buy one and wear it home one day...see what mel says about it. ;o)
I have never seen him and he has already earned my contempt.
If he wears the suits AND sings old songs then he is some kind of weirdo.
Would you think he was cool if he dressed like a minstrel and sung songs with a lute?
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If he wears the suits AND sings old songs then he is some kind of weirdo.
Would you think he was cool if he dressed like a minstrel and sung songs with a lute?
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