Tuesday, December 06, 2005

 Posted by Picasa

Fooie your baby pictures are awesome. You will feel differently about YOUR baby's poop than any other poop you will ever encounter - so you might as well git on in there boy. Might save you from getting a frying pan to the head someday, too, for making your wife do all the dooty duty.

I was reading down your recent posts, realizing that I had not looked at your blogs since the very first time I looked at your blog and you have done some fine writing. HOWEVER - IMAGINE MY SURPRISE WHEN I SAW YOUR POST "DONUTS ARE AWESOME"!!!!!! You should definately read MY blog of last Saturday. See, I know you went to St. X and I know you love Krispy Creme Donuts. I can only conclude that YOU STOLE MY WIFE'S PURSE!!! The police will be at your door before you finish reading this (maybe before).
Your baby is gorgeous. Congratulations to both of you!
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