Wednesday, January 11, 2006
this n that
I don't have much content this time folks. i have been busy polishing my thesis manuscript and spending time with my wife and baby girl. she went to the doctor and she is coming along swimmingly! she is above the national average of weight. and cuteness. my thesis is upwards of 200 pages (1.5 space) . about 70 pages of that is code. i hate it all now, so don't ask me about it. no, i don't hate it, but i could seriously do without talking about it. I should be starting a new job here soon. It is a mixed blessing. I will be finally be making the big bucks, but I will be chained to a desk, something I haven’t experienced in a long time. but that is much better than being chained to a book or project like I am now, or when I was a teacher. I am pretty sure I rather do anything then teach again. That sucked real bad.
I started taking a cellular physiology class on monday. it is already interesting. it is going to be pretty tough though, b/c i am in there with physiology grad students, and there is all of these high expectations. i am really out of my milieu. We haven’t covered deja vu yet. Although my prof talked about some of the experiments he is running. he says that a lot of disease such as cancer, diabetes, and Alzheimer’s is due to some phenomena in the cell membrane. That seems a little glib to me, but who knows? He said that chromium is supposted to help this, which is in multivitamins. So, it probably wouldn’t be a bad idea to take one. I think I am, based on this. it wouldn’t hurt me anyway, and they are cheap.
I went to the grocery on monday. I really had my cart going fast as hell. I tried to push it as fast as I could get it, and then I jumped on. I think I was going about 40 mph but I am not sure.
check this story out:
I got my foodstuffs and was loading them into my car, I noticed that this guy was doing his duty and taking his cart to the cart area. but, instead of taking it to the designated cart area, he put it in the middle of a vacant car spot next to my car. I was discusted, the cart area was the next spot over! he would have had to take at most 6 extra steps. I myself, am always very polite and take my cart to the proper area, as not to disrupt the ease of parking, and make it easy for the cart-boys to collect them. It is a ordered system and i respect that. Sometimes, if they are very far away, i put them in between cars so people can still get in and out. I justify this by blaming the store for making the cart areas too spread out.

anyhoo, after i saw him do this, i was sorta put off, until I noticed he was (slowly) heading for his car parked in a handicap spot. I then understood that this guy was handicapped and he was probably in pain when he walked. on my way home, i thought about it further. should have this guy taken the 6 extra (possibly painful) steps as a courtesy to everyone else? He was driving a car, so he couldn't be that bad. it seems like if he was really in that much pain, he could have just left his cart by his car, between cars, as to make the space available, but he put it in the middle of a spot for another car! it is my belief that he started walking to the cart area and just said the hell with it, and left the cart in a spot. Or maybe he was trying to screw with the non-handicap people, in an act of jealousy.
anyway, i can't decide if this guy was lazy, or if his actions were justified. all, let me know your stance based on what i said.
I put the cart in the proper cart area after he left. Good for me.
I don't have much content this time folks. i have been busy polishing my thesis manuscript and spending time with my wife and baby girl. she went to the doctor and she is coming along swimmingly! she is above the national average of weight. and cuteness. my thesis is upwards of 200 pages (1.5 space) . about 70 pages of that is code. i hate it all now, so don't ask me about it. no, i don't hate it, but i could seriously do without talking about it. I should be starting a new job here soon. It is a mixed blessing. I will be finally be making the big bucks, but I will be chained to a desk, something I haven’t experienced in a long time. but that is much better than being chained to a book or project like I am now, or when I was a teacher. I am pretty sure I rather do anything then teach again. That sucked real bad.
I started taking a cellular physiology class on monday. it is already interesting. it is going to be pretty tough though, b/c i am in there with physiology grad students, and there is all of these high expectations. i am really out of my milieu. We haven’t covered deja vu yet. Although my prof talked about some of the experiments he is running. he says that a lot of disease such as cancer, diabetes, and Alzheimer’s is due to some phenomena in the cell membrane. That seems a little glib to me, but who knows? He said that chromium is supposted to help this, which is in multivitamins. So, it probably wouldn’t be a bad idea to take one. I think I am, based on this. it wouldn’t hurt me anyway, and they are cheap.
I went to the grocery on monday. I really had my cart going fast as hell. I tried to push it as fast as I could get it, and then I jumped on. I think I was going about 40 mph but I am not sure.
check this story out:
I got my foodstuffs and was loading them into my car, I noticed that this guy was doing his duty and taking his cart to the cart area. but, instead of taking it to the designated cart area, he put it in the middle of a vacant car spot next to my car. I was discusted, the cart area was the next spot over! he would have had to take at most 6 extra steps. I myself, am always very polite and take my cart to the proper area, as not to disrupt the ease of parking, and make it easy for the cart-boys to collect them. It is a ordered system and i respect that. Sometimes, if they are very far away, i put them in between cars so people can still get in and out. I justify this by blaming the store for making the cart areas too spread out.

anyhoo, after i saw him do this, i was sorta put off, until I noticed he was (slowly) heading for his car parked in a handicap spot. I then understood that this guy was handicapped and he was probably in pain when he walked. on my way home, i thought about it further. should have this guy taken the 6 extra (possibly painful) steps as a courtesy to everyone else? He was driving a car, so he couldn't be that bad. it seems like if he was really in that much pain, he could have just left his cart by his car, between cars, as to make the space available, but he put it in the middle of a spot for another car! it is my belief that he started walking to the cart area and just said the hell with it, and left the cart in a spot. Or maybe he was trying to screw with the non-handicap people, in an act of jealousy.
anyway, i can't decide if this guy was lazy, or if his actions were justified. all, let me know your stance based on what i said.
I put the cart in the proper cart area after he left. Good for me.
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i think it was nice of you to put the cart away... i also think it was nice of you to consider the numerous possibilities that surround this guy and his situation. i'm having a hard time siding one way or another... maybe he saw you taking the whole situation in from afar and just wanted to give you something to write about in your blog. yeah, that's my vote.
I can't think of any excuse, handicapped or not, why this guy couldn't have taken 6 more steps. He was probably walking all over the place inside the store. Over the course of his shopping experience those few steps were probably 1% of the effort he exerted. He must have left it there on purpose to block the parking spot or because he knew you'd get it for him. Maybe he thought you two had unspoken communication like the Manning/Harrison vibe.
All very good points. What concerns me is the "ha-whoa" that baby talk? what have i told you about baby talk?! :)
Really though, maybe the guy has lost his short term memory and forgot what he was doing with the cart or why he was even at the grocery store, got freaked out and confused, left the cart and bailed?! like on Memento? Or maybe his depth of perception is WAY off and thought he had actually put the cart IN the space?...but that is scary since he was driving himself, you know? I hope that is not the reason. Maybe he just decided, "F*ck it!" and thought to hell with organized grocery cart plans? Hmmmm....this one will keep me thinking for some time now...
Really though, maybe the guy has lost his short term memory and forgot what he was doing with the cart or why he was even at the grocery store, got freaked out and confused, left the cart and bailed?! like on Memento? Or maybe his depth of perception is WAY off and thought he had actually put the cart IN the space?...but that is scary since he was driving himself, you know? I hope that is not the reason. Maybe he just decided, "F*ck it!" and thought to hell with organized grocery cart plans? Hmmmm....this one will keep me thinking for some time now...
ha-whoa is my impersonation of Kim-Yun Ill on that "World Police" movie from the makers of South Park.
The only important thing is that YOU did the right thing. What the other guy did is irrelevant.
Well, there is one other important thing - the speed of your cart. I think you may have been just the wee-est, tiniest bit fast in your estimate. 40 mpg is fun to think about, but - you being a student of science will appreciate - the possibility of attaining 40mph in a cart on a poorly maintained parking lot that rattles your brains is pretty darn slim. Not that I don't respect your cart-ridin-speed cababilities - 'cause I do. Faster than I would go, no doubt.
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Well, there is one other important thing - the speed of your cart. I think you may have been just the wee-est, tiniest bit fast in your estimate. 40 mpg is fun to think about, but - you being a student of science will appreciate - the possibility of attaining 40mph in a cart on a poorly maintained parking lot that rattles your brains is pretty darn slim. Not that I don't respect your cart-ridin-speed cababilities - 'cause I do. Faster than I would go, no doubt.
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