Thursday, April 20, 2006

gaussian money

For those of you that have been to Germany, this will be old news. To the rest of you, you are in for a delcious factoid of monumental proportions!

Gauss, the famous mathematican who is revered for the famous Gaussian distribution (bell-shaped curve) , is evidently German.

In fact, his equation and a plot is seen on a dutch mark (marc?):

Cool huh?

On the front is a picture of Gauss.

I really like this. While our founding fathers more than deserve being on our money, but why can't science and math get some cred? like on a anniversy coin or something. America has an excellent history of scientific discovery. I think we are 1st in Nobels Prizes (but not per cap), why not celebrate it?

With recognition like this, no wonder Germany excells at engineering; manufacturing; and fat, bearded women.

whoopsie daisey.

not everyone is a good speller, bean.
They use Euros now anyway right?
I am not sure, but i would guess that they all have the same money (worth), but there is local printings, so they can put their own countries' stuff on it.

someone confirm this?
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