Wednesday, September 06, 2006

baby humor

Alex, my pride and joy, has a pretty good sense of humor. Over the weekend, she was laughing (very hard) at my wife prancing around and singing a silly song. This made me ponder what in the world babies think is so damn funny.

So far, I have seen Alex (10 mo) laugh at being tickled, and people doing silly things, like me dancing, my wife singing and frolicing, and grandpa putting a pillow on his head as though it was his hat. It is really striking that someone who cannot yet comprehend language can laugh, not just at something tactile, like tickling, but at situations, like her parents acting silly.

When we see her laughing now and then, we say "she has a good sense of humor". This lead me to then wonder how a sense of humor is developed. Although I don't know, I would reason that a sense of humor is learned (nurture as opposed to nature). If that is so, how could she be laughing already at 10 months?

Maybe at this stage, she is just extremely "entertained", and that makes her laugh. I mean, she can't "get" absurd jokes. She can't comprehend those kind of things. For instance, if I wore my clothes backwards and talking backwards one day, she wouldn't think that was funny. she probably wouldn't notice.

My wife and I, and for that matter my family and friends, all have tremendous senses of humor. In fact, that is basically what I have in common with all my friends, is that we like to get together and say clever things. So, I think she will have a pretty good sense of humor when she gets older.

What is humor anyhow? Is it our way of keeping ourselves happy, and dealing with stress? I would guess that non-primates don't laugh. I suppose that humor is a bi-product of being able to think abstractly. Most humor I have found is absurd or ironic situations. Do dolphins laugh? Is that chattering thing they do laughing? They are smug, those dolphins.

There are so many unanswered questions. Thoughts? Below is a bonus picture of that little cherub looking very un-humerous.

Hi Fooie. I can't answer any of your questions about humor and why babies laugh at silly things, but I can tell you that at 10 months, she can comprehend a lot more language than you probably think. Especially if you guys talk to her a lot, which I'm sure you do, and if you read to her. I am actually certified to tell you this because I am a Speech-Language Pathologist, although I must not be a very good one or I could tell you why babies laugh at silly things.
sweet! good stuff.

I hope you aren't planning on billing me.

I think she can understand us some, but on a conditioned response level, and by our tone. Kinda like cooper. For instance, she is starting to get the picture when we tell her "no!" when she starts crawling around dangerous stuff.

I dunno.
I think babies must operate on extremes. That is why they cry when they are hungry or tired. I think they laugh whenever they are pleased by anything.

I once almost made Alex cry until she hyperventilated. I felt very bad about that. Sorry baby Alex.
don't worry , i did that too. I screamed like a girl b/c she pulled my chest hair and it scared the bejeezus out of her.

man, she was pissed.
cooper can smile...i think he is laughing in his heart.
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