Monday, October 09, 2006

more pollin'

I made that last poll due to some cockamamie conjecture that I came up whilst walking to my car last week.

My theory is that if you like Dale Earnhart (enough to have a bumper sticker) you'll bet your sweet ass that you voted for G.W. Bush. This is not a political statement. Just an observation.

This is based on my observations in many local parking lots that:

If (one has a pro-Bush bumper sticker) and (one has some kind of NASCAR-themed bumper sticker)
then The NASCAR bumper sticker is either anti-Jeff Gordan or pro-Dale Earnhart (Jr. or Sr.)*

I don't know why this is. In fact, I don't see why everyone hates Jeff Gordon so much.

Anyway, it turns out that instead of finding support for my theory, I instead found out that everyone hates me and I was dealt a such a blow to my self-esteem that I might not ever recover.

Let's move on and forget all of this ever happened...

Last week I was reading Newsweek and read an interview with Newt Gingrich. He talked alot about education and Math and Science and their importance. At some point, he said:

[paraphrasing] "Everyone should just come out and admit that Math and Science are the hardest subjects."

I think I pretty well agree with this statement and I was happy to see a politician not only advocate for science and math, but use such strong language**.

Do you agree with this statment? Take this poll and tell me what you think.***

Do you agree with Newt Gingrich's statment
Strongly agree
I am incapable of forming my own opinion about this quote.
Strongly disagree
Free polls from

* Or the classic Calvin decal wearing a "#3" on his jacket, and peeing on a #24.
**This might not seem strong, but in academic circles (or journalists, authors, anyone with a strong lean towards one subject or another) this kind of statement is a sure way to get into a heated arguement with your coworkers.
***We are obviously talking in generalites here. 3-grade math is much easier than 10-grade english. Please don't poke holes in my flimsy poll.

First I was going to strongly agree, because math and science are really hard for me. But I thought about it and I know plenty of people who find math and science easy, but are baffled by things like poetry, grammar, spelling, philosophy, foreign languages, or other non-math or sciencey subjects. So I chose disagree.
its nice to hear somebody on tv say anything that isnt jibba jabba
you of all people should realize that spelling is much more difficult than either math or science. i think its a genetic thing...
Squirreleeze: agreed. the problem with some arts and lit stuffs is that alot of it is subjective. that always bothered me.

Cow: Newsweek is a magazine.

paulie: guialty as cherged!

Tara: you make my heart smile.
I agree that they are the hardest subjects. I don't really see why it is that important that polititions say that they are.
I don't think it was that important, I just liked to see a politican taking a stand like that, on something that might get him in trouble. plus, I think it is pretty well accepted that politicans don't come from strong math/science backgrounds. you said that yourself. to me. you don't hear that alot is all. God knows not from the bush admin.

also, i think newt is retired, isn't he? or is he just no longer SotH?

anyway, i mostly just wanted to see what other people thought.
i said disagree 'cause i agree with tara...but i guess, really it's all about what you are interested in. the science peeps don't get the artsy stuff and would obviously not do well with it, and the artists don't have the desire to learn the math and what, that is what i think it comes down to...interests...ok, and yes, they are difficult subjects...but DAMN! i really want to disagree!!!! ha!
I think you should take Newt's advice and go ahead and admit it.

just because people have strengths and weaknesses in certain subjects doesn't meean that math and science still isn't more difficult.

I think Mrs. S said it well:

"You never hear of someone dropping out of an fine arts program and switching to chemistry because they couldn't hack it on the canvas."
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