Monday, April 23, 2007

break room food burglar

I just came back from the break room. When I was there getting some tea, there was a stranger in there rifling through the staff refrigerator. She looked to be throwing away some food items while stealing others. She was putting our food into a giant shopping bag!

May God strike me down if I am lying. I tried to monitor her while avoiding eye contact. But it occurred to me that I wouldn’t have tried to stop her even if she was taking my own food, so I left. She should have known that stealing food is my responsiblity.

I went to Rough River Kentucky over the weekend with my parents and Alex. On the way back, I got stuck behind about 15 bikers on a 2 lane highway. They weren’t going that slow, but I thought I would pass them anyhow. They took up the length of probably 2 semi trucks and I was in my pickup truck, which is full size and only 6 cylinders. It was a bad idea for all involved.

As I accelerated into the incoming lane and hit about 80, another truck unexpectedly turned into the incoming lane, and I was forced to wimp out to avoid death. It was pretty dangerous because I was pretty close to that oncoming truck and I was going pretty fast. I slowed down to about 30 and waited for the bikers to speed pass me on the right so I could get back into my lane. While I was waiting for this, the last biker flicked me off! And it was as angry as flicking off I have ever seen. His arm was fully out-stretched and he made a shitty face and everything!

At that point I was battling the emotions of anger and confusion. Anger because I was just rudely gestured at, and confused because I wasn’t real sure what the source of injury was to the biker who did the flicking. I didn’t cut him off or in any way inconvenience him. I was pretty steamed for the rest of the day. I would have felt better about it if I cut him off in the process, or almost ran into him, but he was basically giving me a hard time about me making a mistake. He had no reason to give me the finger!

It would be like if I was in a long line at McDonalds and I went to the shorter line, but when I did that someone else got in the shorter line and I went back to the longer line. And maybe on the way back I tripped or something. And then the last guy in the long line gave me a dead-leg for it. Some people are just total assbags.

That reminds me of the time I was moving a bunch of my crap from my dorm to my apartment in Bloomington. I cut some guy off with my truck and then I gave him the finger for it. Then, at the next light, he pulls up next to me and says “What the hell are you giving me the finger for?” He was right, he should have been flicking me off. At the time, I didn’t apologize, although I wish I had. I guess I finally got my comeuppance.


maybe you are the ass bag!
That blog made me laugh.
yes. i did laugh out loud at this one. i liked how the last sharing of the college memory really tied the whole moral of the stories together.
fyi, you will not be driving alex anywhere anymore. you wonder why i grip onto things in the car when you are is because of these sorts of actions. :)
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