Monday, January 12, 2009

nighstand saga II

Hello, and welcome to the tenth or so consectutive tedious blog about me doing chores.

Actually, this is more of a hobby. Here is the first blog about me making the nightstands.

This is probably around my 30th hour of working on my black walnut nighstands. Here is a shot from the front of one of them, that shows the carcass, with the face frame and the top on, but no back and no drawers.
kinda handsome.

Here's another shot that looks sorta angelic.

Here is another angelic shot of me.

actually, I was taking a picture of myself to try to show all the sawdust that gets on me while using the router to make dovetail drawers (see below) and all the protection I have to do to keep my nose, lungs, eyes, epiglottis and ears safe while doing it.
The sawdust didn't show up well, but there is alot of it.

I also look kind of alarmed in that picture but I do not know why.
here are the dovetail drawers I spent all day Sunday making. This is what they look like before putting them together, from the inside.

and below is after, from the outside.

I hope you enjoyed this blog about me doing things. Next blog: me cleaning the garage.


FYI, I took 4 maple logs, 1 cherry log, and 3 pine logs to the mill yesterday. We ended up with a couple hundred board feet of maple, cherry, and pine 1x's. I have them drying in a shed right now. Sawmilling is pretty effing cool.
I love my hubby and his building skills :)
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