Tuesday, December 20, 2005

horsemarm stories

I was thinking in the car today about all the fantastic lies that my dad told me:

“I was raised by Indians.” Or: “The Indians taught me how to : [ plumbing, make spaghetti, drive a car, or whatever we happened to be doing at the time] ”

“When you say bad things about your dad your arm will grow out of your coffin when you die and turn into a tree.“

There are many more, but I have tried to block them out because they damaged my psyche. If you have ever seen Big Fish, that guy is my dad. Well, kinda. He isn’t as big as a liar as the guy on big fish, but if there ever was a person like that guy in real life it is my dad. He was always making up some bullshit story.

I thought that it is pretty important to maintain this legacy and tell a bunch of horsemarm stories to my daughter:

Here is a start:

“I won you on a game show”

“I won your mother’s hand in marriage by winning a jousting contest against the dark knight.”

“One time I had to knock out Santa.”

“When you were born Cooper stopped talking and standing on his hind-legs”

“When I was little, people wore shirts as their pants and pants as their shirts.”

“When you were a baby I had to rescue you from trolls.”

“Cheerios are made of ground-up dinosaur bones.”

"I met Elmo in real life a few times and he was always drinking and swearing"

“One time I went to the zoo and rescued a 5 year-old from the piranha tank that had lions swimming in it.”

“I won the Nobel Prize for slam-dunking”

“The Jabberwocky always hides my car keys”

What about

"I invented the question mark"
agreed. I will work on it, although he he has more than 40 years on me.
i agree with mindy! i still don't know half the time when he is full of Sh*$
you all have to tell me if he's lying or not.
Big Fish may be my favorite movie of all time. I don't think you are "damaged' .... I think you have been "enhanced."

However, if you try to carry your Dad into the middle of the lake to see him change and swim away, you might get a REALLY BIG surprise.
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